Wednesday December 16th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Reimplemented POL093-style skill gains
- Added two decimals in skills window
- Fixed a bug with autoloop while smelting items
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Tuesday December 1st, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Removed incativity disconnection timeout
- Removed 100 loops limit on autoloop
- “I am stuck and cannot move” help menu option is now back in place
- Fix: it is no longer possible to heal and do actions while hidden
- Item ID’s autoloop is now available also for bodies
- .move command now accepts a limit parameter. Eg: .move 10 to move up to 10 items
- Items can now be repaired even when not inside the main ...
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Monday November 2nd, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- It is now possible to use multiple characters from the same account at the same time
- Help pages are now notified to the staff via email
- Fixed wrong dex malus on armor pieces without a malus
- Fixed some “broken” house signs
- Pizzas are now stackable again
- .loot should now finally stack items correctly
- Stolen items are now stackable again with the others
- Humuc’s “give” command now works again even wh...
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Sunday October 18th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Fixed some bugs with stackable items
- Fixed some bugs with humuc’s “give” command
- Fixed a bug that could destroy some items when dying with a lot of items in the backpack
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Tuesday October 13th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- The High Priest no longer purifies worn items
- Improved stacking on .loot
- Dragon eggs can now give birth to different kinds of dragons
- Humuc’s “give” command now also works in sub-containers
- Humuc no longer steals items from other players
- Possible fix for wrong dex malus on armor pieces creation
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Monday September 28th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- New function “loot” when clicking on a body (shortcut for .loot)
- Fixed bug in ritual robe appearance
- Restored original NPC armor (and their fame, as a consequence)
- Yellow fishes can now be fished
- Fixed some bugs when equipping regen items
- Fixed a bug that prevented spellbooks from being copied
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Wednesday September 23rd, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Setting max cast distance back to 18 tiles
- Fixed a bug when using mystical weapons
- Increased kill decay time from 40 to 280 hours to better fit macro away
- Killing someone in a guarded area now counts as 5 kills instead of 1
(an exclamation mark will appear in the murder report and the message will be “you have been publicly reported for murder”)
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Tuesday September 22nd, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Reduced max cast distance from 20 to 18 tile to match client’s view range
- Minor improvements in guild venue management
- Inscription on normal spells now works again
- Word of power gates are now visible again when used
- Fixed minor bug in .cast
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Tuesday September 15th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- POL099
- POL093-style LOS is now back in effect
- Gumps are now repositioned when they have been left when reopened (skill window, earthbook, etc…)
- Halved stamina cost for walking
- Enabled “profile” function on paperdoll
- Enabled all paperdoll and top bar buttons, except for “quest” button
- Arena: it is no longer possible to carve heads out of bodies
- Arena: fixed the bug that made bandages fall in the ...
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Sunday September 13th, 2015
Posted by Developer Bodom
- Guilds: it is now possible to lock down items even on static venues
- Guilds: guild deeds are working again
- Guilds: Guild Master can now abdicate in favour of someone else
- Guilds: staff can now temporarily replace a vacant Guild Master
- Arena: Removed hight distance damage malus for archers
- Arena: Totems can now longer cast while hidden
- Solved a problem while showing house owners’ name
- Solved a pr...
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