The Zulu Hotel Italia Time Warp project was born with the declared intent to bring back to light an hidden treasure: the memories and the emotions that kept tied together many Ultima Online players who, after 13 years, meet again thanks to a social network.
Rolling back, as a joke, to a snapshot dated 2 January 2002, we understood this world was rich of emotions, lively, and funny and that Ultima Online, ever being an old game, still remained in the heart of many and still can have many to give.
Our idea is to play again all together, just for our fun, even with the few spare time we have today, in a relaxed atmosphere.
The shard is hosted on an independent server, directly managed by the staff and kept online, thanks to donations from players, with the latest generation hardware, to ensure the best gameplay experience ever.
Our scripters, after a very long and accurate debugging of the scripts recovered from the 2 January 2002 snapshot, are now introducing news almost on a daily basis, with the goal to make the game even more rich and lively, but always in the strict respect of the early 2000s ZuluHotel style.
Almost every evening there is a quest, created with great attention to every detail.
In the ZHI Time Warp Wiki (still to be translated) you can find all the informations about gameplay and summaries of the quests that intertwine in our world. The community gathers in the Facebook Official Group, where you can sign up too.
If you too have never forgot the emotions that Ultima Online gifted us 13 years ago… what are you waiting for? Come back playing and have fun with us, we are waiting for you!
The Zulu Hotel Italia Time Warp Staff